I Don’t Feel Like Writing

writingDo you ever want to just stop writing for a while? I’m at that point right now. I’m not working on my book, as I just finished what I consider to be a really good first draft, and I’ve stepped away from it until the beginning of the year.

What I am doing is my blog. It only requires me to write a couple pages twice a week, which isn’t that much writing, but I’m still struggling.

Maybe it’s the season and all of the distractions that are going on around me. Maybe it was a mistake to pull away so drastically from my writing regime. It seems like the longer I put off writing, the harder it’s becoming. Truth be known I wrote almost daily over the last year and did countless critiques of other peoples work. Once I finished my draft, I almost completely shut down that part of my life to take a breath.

Maybe all those tips about writing everyday and setting quotas was right. Not to say that you can’t take time off to enjoy a special evening or life, but you have to stay motivated or you will lose the desire, momentum, will to write.untitled

So I find myself going through articles on how to motivate yourself to write. Not sure why, I already know most of the tips by heart. Hoping to find something new, a magic pill maybe.  Well If there is one, I haven’t found it. So I guess I just have to fall back on the tried and true.

  • Make a date with yourself to show up and write on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be great-you just need to write.
  • Choose the time of day that works best for you. In the morning after that first cup of coffee works best for me.
  • Share your goals and dreams with family and friends. They will ask how it’s going and keep you in line.
  • Cut off all electronics. This one is a given and to be honest, I have allowed myself to get sucked back into Facebook and other social media outlets over the last month. They are mind numbing and can take precious time away from what is important. If you use them to communicate with family in other states, like myself, you need to schedule in time and watch the clock.
  • Set a daily quota. To be honest I’ve never done that one. I do set a weekly quota. It allows me time for life to happen and is more realistic. Point is you need a goal, something to work towards to keep you moving.
  • Record and keep up with your word count. It will serve as a timesheet and a reward system to praise yourself.
  • Allow yourself to write badly. At least for early drafts be gentle on yourself. If you stop to judge, edit, delete and rewrite, you will be spending all your time playing reader or critic, not writer.

Have a great weekend and don’t stop writing 🙂

-Jan R

I Don’t Feel Like Writing

7 thoughts on “I Don’t Feel Like Writing

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    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s tricky. We all need time away, time to have fun, take care of other tasks, and live. Writing requires experience, and yet it also requires us to sit in front of our medium and quietly put words down.
    I think you were smart to wait until you finished a project before taking a break, though it also might have been smart to just barely start another before stepping away. Within a writing session I’ve often heard it helps to leave a project for the day or night with the first paragraph of a chapter or scene, something that is incomplete, and like a ball at the top of a hill, is waiting to tip over and roll down.
    I’ve heard a lot of people talk about word quotas, but I tend to focus on time spent.
    For example, I may reread a story I’m working on, and only change a few words, or read an article or text that has the potential to teach me something. Realistically I haven’t put any new words down, but I have worked on writing.
    It’s an interesting question, and everyone finds their own answer, which is half the fun, seeing how others find their way, and what I can learn from their experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the tips on how to keep the writing flowing, especially when enthusiasm wanes. I am also a fan of consistency, and often surprise myself when I turn up at the desk, pick up a pen or tap the keyboard and head off again, even if I didn’t expect to have the energy or enthusiasm to write. I try to keep that in mind next time I try to wheedle my way out of turning up …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve found that stepping away from the page for mere days can prove problematic. There is a momentum to writing, as you said. The tips you posed are dead-on! Consistency and routine are key, sharing goals with family and friends does indeed insert an element of accountability, and electronics are to be avoided. Thank you for sharing! I’m happy to have found your blog. The content is substantial. I’ve just subscribed.

    Liked by 2 people

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